Hihi 6b2 ^^v. Post again, see how good i am? Haha.
Days had pass really quickly , its ike 1minute ago. x.x
PSLE is coming closer , and i wonder why im not afarid and im not bothered to do self-revision.
I rmb what MrsJ said : Next time she comes in she wants to compliment us.
So , We've go to work hard. And we have alot to proof to others. So , wake up all ^^v.
PSLE oral is next week alr T-T And im scare, you may thing it's silly , But im serious x:
Heheh , Preparing soon. Best of luck , and Jiayous for oral^^v. Add plenty of oil.
There's homeworks for this weekend.
•Math Practice Paper 7 & 8
Time : 2hr15min for each paper.
No calculators allowed.
If unable to complete in time , use other coloured pen.
All Cloze passages til Cloze 27 are to be done.
•Open Ended pges 32-38 are to be done in
homework book.
•Grammar pges 71-78 are to be done
inside the book itself.
That's all the homeworks. Do it hor! , I dont even think i will do all x:
Hehehehe. See you all on Monday,
Bye(K)#6 , JasmineNg